Audience Of Two

This friend of mine was wondering today, if he should start vlogging instead of blogging because it seems that majority of people don’t like to read. And I said to him, “Why is so much dictated by what people want? What about what you want? Do you enjoy writing or making videos?” And as I passed on this pearl of wisdom, I realised that this was so applicable to me. I stopped writing here because every time I post i wait for people to like and comment and end up getting like two likes in 2 weeks. And that discourages me.

But hey, so what if only two people are reading what i write? I enjoy sharing my thoughts and two people enjoyed reading it. Why is that not comparable to a thousand people reading it. I am not trying to sell a book here. Why should everything we do, be about popularity and making money, isn’t it?

Creation could be so much easier if we decide to create for two people instead of a hundred people. Easier still when the two people are strangers i have never met but somehow resonated with something i said.